There are many reasons for belly inflammation during menopause. It can occur due to various diets. Some of the reasons are chewing food too quickly and the heavy intake of salt. There may also be some other causes. It would be better to get a doctor’s suggestion before stepping into taking measures for belly bloat.

Reducing Belly Inflammation by Dietary Measures

Belly inflammation can be reduced by changing your diet because many food items may lead to bloating. You should try to find out which foods cause belly bloating for you. To avoid bloating, you should cut out the food items from your diet which are causing you to bloat. Food items such as snacks, highfiber food, and junk food are all common culprits. If you are sensitive to lactose, then you should cut out dairy products from your diet. Some people may also be sensitive and allergic to the fructose and sugar contained in some foods. Some food items which cause bloating are highcarbonated beverages, fatty foods, and vegetables like onion, broccoli, beans, cabbage, and sprouts.

Sweat to Avoid Bloating

The Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Menopausal BloatingExercise is one of the best options to avoid belly inflammation because it gets you to sweat. This will help to get rid of belly inflammation as it helps to get rid of acidity. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that working out reduces menopausal symptoms like hot flushes and mood swings. One of the worst effects of menopause is bloating. Yoga and other physical activities have been shown to help reduce the bloating associated with menopause. Workouts will also help to reduce any weight gain which is a common result of menopause.

Intake of Sodium

Excessive sodium intake leads to your body retaining water. You need to control your daily sodium intake and keep it at 2,300 mg a day. This will help to control water retention and also help control your blood pressure levels. A lot of American food contains high amounts of sodium. So it is important to pay attention to the sodium quantities of the food you are buying. Food items that generally have high levels of sodium are bread, chips, and cheese.

Weight Gain and Bloating

The Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Menopausal BloatingIt is very common to put on weight during menopause. A large reason for this is the fluctuating hormones in the body. The sudden increase in abdominal fat can lead to feeling bloated. A way to avoid this weight gain is to eat a healthy, balanced diet containing foods that are low in calories.

Your diet should include whole-grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Bloating and Medication

Some women turn to medications to combat the symptoms of menopause, such as hormone replacement therapy. These therapies may not always work, and they may result in some side effects such as bloating. It is important to contact your doctor if you are experiencing any unpleasant side effects and they may be able to offer some alternative treatments.  Some treatments which can help to reduce bloating are probiotics, antibiotics, and antispasmodics.  However, the benefits of using these medications to reduce bloating have not been proven.

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