The transition to menopause is known as Perimenopause. This is a phase which women go through years before menopause even begins. In this stage, the estrogen produced in the ovaries begin to reduce. It generally occurs in women in their 40s. However, there are few women who go through this phase even during the 30s.

Perimenopause persists till the ovaries completely stop releasing eggs. That is when menopause actually begins. During the final stage of Perimenopause, the estrogen level drops considerably. This sudden drop in the level of estrogen in the body is the core cause for the symptoms of menopause to occur. Generally, menopause lasts for approximately four years, however, some women might experience this for only a few months. On the other hand, it may also persist up to ten years in some women. After 12 months of a break in the menstrual cycle, the Perimenopause phase is completed and menopause is reached.

Symptoms that occur during Perimenopause

Following are few of the common symptoms during Perimenopause:What Is Perimenopause?

  1. Irregular periods
  2. Hot flashes
  3. Mood swings
  4. Breasts become tender
  5. Sex drive is reduced
  6. Difficulty sleeping
  7. Fatigue
  8. Leaking of urine while coughing or sneezing
  9. Urinating more frequently
  10. Vaginal dryness

Though, it is by nature that irregular periods occur during Perimenopause, other medical complications may also be the cause for the irregularity.

In case, you notice that your period continues for longer than the usual, for instance, if it is heavier or if it is occurring more frequently or if you see spotting, immediately contact your doctor to discuss the issue and have yourself checked.

What Is Perimenopause?It is possible to conceive during Perimenopause, so you have got to be extremely careful. Take precautions till you reach full menopause; i.e. a break of the menstrual cycle through a whole year. Try options like natural and pharmaceutical treatments to overcome symptoms of Perimenopause. Check for more options with your doctor and take up the most suitable medication that he recommends for you as the best to suppress the severity of the symptoms and to keep them at bay. It also would help reducing the frequency of the symptoms that occur. The medications may be oral contraceptives of low dosages which help reduce night sweats and hot flashes. They also help in regulating periods.

However, you must talk to your doctor about if you could try natural methods like having a healthy diet, exercising your body or through vitamin supplements.

Ensure to consult your doctor before you start following any of the treatments for menopause. Based on your health conditions, they will guide you on what suits your body the best and give you better suggestions.

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